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Honors Undergraduate Research

Engineering students have the opportunity to follow their own investigational instincts through participation in undergraduate research. This can be done along with the Honors Contract or instead of the Honors Contract. Those participating in research as an undergraduate student will have the opportunity to:

  • Establish a close connection with a research team and/or faculty member
  • Specialize in a focused area within their major or even outside of their major
  • Learn new skills and methodologies pertaining to their research project
  • Develop written and presentation skills through forum presentations and writing a thesis
  • Prepare for a future in graduate school or in industry

Research that culminates in the production of an undergraduate research thesis allows the student to receive the designation of “With Research Distinction” or “With Honors Research Distinction” on their diploma, dependent upon their academic performance. Students are encouraged to discuss their plan with an honors advisor early in their academic career.

If you are a current student, please visit for information about your current program's degree requirements.